Sam Hawken, writer-guy

Can't get enough of me?

If reading my thoughts here every few days isn’t enough to satisfy you, I post content elsewhere. Maybe you like movie reviews? Try my Letterboxd feed. I catalog every movie I watch and provide a capsule review, so if you’re dying to get recommendations (or warnings), that’s the place to go.

As with my blog entries, I keep things brief on Letterboxd. There’s nothing more tiresome than amateur film critics going on and on about movies that often don’t need more than a paragraph to review. And while I was one of those people, I am no longer. My reviews are always in the neighborhood of fifty words because I know your time is valuable, and my opinion doesn’t carry that much weight.

Where else do I write exciting things? I’ll save that for another entry at some point, but suffice it to say that I probably have a more robust online presence than it first appears. I’d rather have my goolies torn off than use social media, so don’t look for me there, but I have sites I frequent and places where I share writing of various kinds.

The point is, I’m not a digital hermit. While my desire to interact with others online is essentially nil, I don’t mind putting myself out there to a certain degree. It’s just never more than makes me comfortable. The days of pouring my heart out to the faceless internet are over.