ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ Sam Hawken, writer-guy

Do it because you love it.

I remember a time when blogs didn’t have to have themes. Back at the start, they were essentially diaries we kept for ourselves and incidentally shared. Only after the rise of search giants like Google did people start “branding” themselves and writing to please the algorithm.

As I look at this space, I see no overarching theme. I could write about writing, and I probably will. Or I could talk about movies or books or TV shows. Anything could fit. I don’t see a pressing need to market myself or my writing beyond what little I do. People will find me when they’re ready.

When I was a young man working in a comic shop during the boom of the early 1990s, people used to buy whole cases of first issues and ask me if they’d be worth something someday. I told them all the same thing: buy comics because you want to read them, not because you want to turn a buck. Over the past decade and a half, I’ve seen this same philosophy bear out with my writing. Sure, I could break my back doing promotion. Or I could write because it’s what I enjoy and do best.

I’m always gratified to see a big check drop into my bank account, but is that all there is? And it’s gratifying to know people read and appreciate my writing, but is that the be-all and end-all? Ultimately, I must please myself, which is the simplest (and most challenging) thing.