ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ Sam Hawken, writer-guy

Write for yourself.

Some authors write to market. That’s their whole thing. Find a niche and exploit it for all its worth, hopefully racking up big sales in the short term. And that’s fine if you want to spend as much time doing market research as creating. I don’t have the energy for that.

I write to write, and I’m spectacularly uninterested in the market side of things. If there’s a story I want to tell, I tell it whether there’s a customer on the other end of the process or not. And if only I ever read the thing, so be it. Ultimately, I’m the one who has to be pleased with my output, not anyone else.

These days, I find myself writing short stories for my amusement. I’ll never try to place them because they’re particular to my interests, and I won’t even post them here to ensure I’m “generating content.” They’re for me, and that’s good enough.

You don’t think of writing in these terms if you’re desperate for money. In your world, it’s all about “turning a happy buck,” as Bob Ross used to say. I feel sorry for you, but that’s the path you chose to take. I’d never go so far as to say you’re prostituting your art, but you’re getting there.

If you write for others instead of yourself, your words will be dead on the page, and you will discover that you are just as dead inside.